Tokyo Gendai will return to Japan from 5th-7th July 2024, with a VIP Preview and Vernissage on 4th July. The fair will welcome 69 significant galleries from 18 countries and territories around the world and will showcase presentations from emerging, established and historically significant artists, grouped into three sectors, and host four curated programmes.
Tokyo Gendai has revealed further details of highlights and programming for its second edition. The programme will include: Tsubomi ‘Flower Bud’, an exhibition spotlighting four women artists; Art Talks, a talks programme with thought leaders from the art world; showcases from renowned local institutions as part of Ne ‘Root’; large-scale installations as part of Sato ‘Meadow’; a new series of workshops for children; and dedicated gallery evenings. The programme complements the world-class showcase of international contemporary art brought together by 69 galleries from across the world.
The Fair has releases some new installation images seen below. Find more information on the website here.

Yoshitomo Nara, Puff Marshie, 2006, Urethane on FRP, courtesy of BLUM [Sato ‘Meadow’]

Kishio Suga, System of Surroundings, 1998, Wood, steel pipe, steel rods, courtesy of Tomio Koyama Gallery [Sato ‘Meadow’]

a. Mika Tajima, Negative Entropy (Inscape Holding Breath Meditation), courtesy of TARO NASU
b. Sareena Sattapon, Balen(ciaga) I belong, courtesy of SAC Gallery
c. Miya Ando, Yuugure (evening) Cloud series, courtesy of Sundaram Tagore Gallery
See also: The Film Posters of Jack Hubbard