
Food Archives - Arts & Collections

Are You Crazy About Caviar?

Caviar is the undisputable jewel of  the luxury food scene, conjuring up images of expensive hors d’oeuvres served at the finest social functions. But how did these tiny black edible pearls become so prized? The fine delicacy consists of fish eggs, also called roe, harvested from the sturgeon. There are 27 different species of sturgeon, giving us different types, textures, colours and flavours of caviar— although ironically, the flesh of the sturgeon itself is not particularly prized. The most expensive and desirable caviar comes from the Beluga,...

Caviar: The Story Behind the Mystery and Mystique of a Luxurious Indulgence

Caviar is basically the fresh and only slightly salted roe of the female sturgeon. The sturgeon is a prehistorical migratory fish that has roamed the cold waters of the northern hemisphere for over 250 million years. Depending on the type of sturgeon, size and weight can vary. Some types (e.g. Huso Huso ‘Beluga’, Acipenser Transmontanus) can grow to over 1980 lbs, while others (e.g. Russian sturgeon, Siberian Sturgeon) average around 130 lbs. Interesting to know...

French Lunch Disappears—France in Horror

While art, food, and sex have always had a happy rapport, in France hands are raised in horror at the disappearance of lunch as it was once known. But this dismal situation may soon see a more positive trend… Spare a thought for the dispirited French in whose homeland, we are told, le long lunch has fallen on hard times. Yes, France has now joined the rest of the western world where business principles dictate...

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