
Comic Strips Archives - Arts & Collections

Art Spiegelman Co-Mix

CO-MIX is presenting the first retrospective exhibition ‘Art Spiegelman Co-Mix: A Retrospective Of Comics, Graphics And Scraps’ of the acclaimed comic artist Art Spiegelman. It will include examples from all facets of his diverse career. Tracing Art Spiegelman’s considerable artistic output, the exhibition includes more than 400 preparatory drawings, sketches, studies and panels relating to his early underground comix from the 1970s. His best-known and genre-defying work, Maus, and his more recent illustrations and comic art, including...

Classics at Sotheby’s First Comic Strip Auctions

Sotheby’s first venture into comic strip auctions saw many bidders nostalgically travel back to their youth as childhood classic comics, such as Tintin, went under the hammer. The Parisian mid-summer Bande Dessinée sale certainly paid off for Sotheby’s, with sales reaching almost €650,000. Translating as the ‘band of drawings’, the sale featured a collection of rare and highly anticipated drawings from the world’s most recognised comic book artists. The comics that were once bought with...

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