Nordic Art Event CHART Returns to Copenhagen

CHART 2022. Photo by Joakim Züger


Under the leadership and vision of CHART’s new director Julie Quottrup Silbermann, CHART 2023 will expand the conversation around the idea of ‘conscious collecting,’ through a dedicated programme of curated talks as well as a new exhibition featuring artworks accessible for first-time collectors. Through the programme, CHART hopes to provide more transparency around purchasing processes and to shine a light on the social and cultural benefits of collecting as well as the moral responsibilities involved.

Start Collecting with CHART, a new exhibition in the foyer of Kunsthal Charlottenborg, will invite each of the participating galleries at CHART to present a single artwork by an established artist from their roster, priced below a fixed threshold of 20,000 DKK (2700 EUR). All of the prices in the exhibition will remain transparent and the exhibition will be open to the public, providing an opportunity for wider audiences to engage in collecting and support cultural production in the Nordics.

CHART 2022. Photo by Niklas Adrian Vindelev

“Throughout time, collectors have played an important role in supporting artists and thus the entire artworld ecosystem. Subjective decision-making and experience of course often play a role in collecting, but I want to open up the discussion around the commercial art world, as a whole, to add insight and transparency about who is collecting, how they are doing it and why.” – Julie Quottrup Silbermann, Director, CHART


CHART has expanded the concept of the art fair into an event that incorporates architecture, design and book publishing, public programmes that reach a wide audience, and a year-round presence through its digital platform, CHART Journal. The tradition of a generous public programme continues with performances and music acts in the courtyards of Charlottenborg, free and open for everyone, that turns CHART into a celebration of the arts in the heart of Copenhagen. For the first time this year, a series of free public performances will also be staged on the square at Kongens Nytorv during CHART.

CHART 2023 will also bring the return of CHART Book Fair for its third edition, taking place in Festsalen at Charlottenborg. The Book Fair creates a unique meeting point between the independent Nordic publishing community and the more established arts community of galleries, collectors and museums, to highlight printed matter by leading publishers from across the region.

Showing its dedication to collaboration and sustainability, CHART presents an architecture competition for teams of emerging architects, often in collaboration with designers and artists. This year’s theme is New European Bauhaus foregrounding the New European Bauhaus’s core principles of aesthetics, inclusion and sustainability. 5 proposals for innovative architectural structures, shortlisted by the jury, will be realized in the historic courtyards of Charlottenborg during CHART. Here they will provide social space or host bars and restaurants from some of Copenhagen’s leading culinary establishments. The winner of the CHART Architecture competition will be announced on 25 August. This year’s jury includes: Gert Wingårdh, owner and creative director of Wingårdhs; Camilla Ryhl, head of the Universal Design Hub; Anders Lendager, founder and partner at Lendager; Ebbe Stub Wittrup, contemporary artist; Lise Gandrup Jørgensen, partner and project director at Dorte Mandrup; and Rong Guan, designer and in-house architect at Polestar.

CHART 2023 exhibitors:

  • Andersen’s (DK)
  • BERG Contemporary (IS)
  • BORCH Editions (DK)
  • C.C.C. (DK)
  • Croy Nielsen (AT)
  • Etage Projects (DK)
  • Galleria Heino (FI)
  • Gether Contemporary (DK)
  • Helsinki Contemporary (FI)
  • Isca Gallery (NO)
  • Lagune Ouest (DK)
  • Galleri Magnus Karlsson (SE)
  • MELK (NO)
  • palace enterprise (DK)
  • Persons Projects (DE)
  • Sharp Projects (DK)
  • Gallery Steinsland Berliner (SE)
  • Þula (IS)
  • Galerie Anhava (FI)
  • Galleri Bo Bjerggaard (DK)
  • Carl Kostyál (UK/SE/IT)
  • Cecilia Hillström Gallery (SE)
  • Dorothée Nilsson Gallery (DE)
  • Galerie Anhava (FI)
  • Galerie Forsblom (FI)
  • Galleri Cora Hillebrand (SE)
  • GSA Gallery (SE)
  • i8 Gallery (IS)
  • Kunsthall Oslo with KCAC (NO/SD)
  • LOYAL (SE)
  • Martin Asbæk Gallery (DK)
  • Peder Lund (NO)
  • Saskia Neuman Gallery (SE)
  • Galleri Susanne Ottesen (DK)
  • V1 Gallery (DK)
CHART 2022. Photo by Niklas Adrian Vindelev

CHART 2O23 contributing artists:

  • A K Dolven (NO), Addoley Dzegede (GH/US), Ali Sha Gallefoss (NO), Amir Asgharnejad (IR/NO), Anette Harboe Flensburg (DK), Anja Salonen (US), Ann Lislegaard (DK), Anna Bjerger (SE), Anna Fasshauer (DE), Anna Maggý (IS), Anna Retulainen (FI), Asta Lynge (DK), Astrid Kruse Jensen (DK), Auður Lóa (IS), Benedikte Bjerre (DK), Birke Gorm (DK), Calle Segelberg (SE/NO), Carl Hammoud (SE), Carlos Aires (ES), Catherine Opie (US), Cecilia Fiona (DK), Clara Gesang-Gottowt (SE), David Svensson (SE), Danny Fox (UK), Eeva Karhu (FI), Emily Gernild (DK), Emmanuel Louisnord Desir (US), Ermias Ekube (ET), Esben Weile Kjær (DK), Eva Schlegel (AT), Fadlabi (SD/NO), Fiona Tan (ID), FOS (DK), Frances Goodman (SA), Georg Nordmark (SE), Gioele Amaro (IT), Giorgio Celin (CO), Hanne Tyrmi (NO), Harrison Pearce (UK), Hiejin Yoo (DE), Hussein Salim (SD/ZA), Ida Ekblad (NO), Ida Madsen Følling (NO), Idun Baltzersen (NO), Inka & Niclas (FI/SE), Jacob Hashimoto (US), Jakob Ohrt (DK), Jakub Julian Ziółkowski (PL), Janaina Tschäpe (DE), Jason Martin (UK), Jeannette Ehlers (DK), Jens Hüls Funder (DK), Jockum Nordström (SE), Josef Jägnefält (SE), Kari Vehosalo (FI), Karl Monies (DK), Kasper Eistrup (DK), Katrín Elvarsdóttir (IS), Klara Kristalova (SE), Kristín Morthens (IS), Laura Klünthe (DE), Leo Park (SE), Lesia Vasylchenko (UA), Lyndon Barrois Jr. (US), Magnus Andersen (DK), Marcus Li Stensrud (NO), Marie Cole (NO), Marie Lund (DK), Mark Dion (US), Marko Vuokola (FI), Martin Brandt Hansen (GL), Mathias Toubro (DK), Melissa Gordon (USA/BE), Mia Edelgart (DK), Mille Kalsmose (DK), Olle Norås (SE), Paweł Książek (PL), Pierre Knop (FR), Ragnar Kjartansson (IS), Rasmus Røhling (DK), Richard Woods (UK), Robel Temesgen (ET), Ron Gorchov (US), Ross Caliendo (US), Sandra Kantanen (FI), Sandra Mujinga (CD/NO), Santeri Tuori (FI), Secundino Hernández (FI), Sigrid Sandström (SE), Soft Baroque (UK), Stephan Balkenhol (DE), Sylvie Fleury (FR), Thora Dolven Balke (NO), Toni R. Toivonen (FI), Topi Ruotsalainen (FI), Tora Schultz (DK), Tori Wrånes (NO), Trine Søndergaard (DK), Uwe Henneken (DE)

CHART 2023
Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Kongens Nytorv 1, 1050 Copenhagen, Denmark &
Tivoli Gardens, Vesterbrogade 3, 1630 Copenhagen, Denmark
CHART 2023: 24th – 27th August 2023
CHART in Tivoli: 24th August – 24th September 2023
Press Preview: 23rd August CHART in Tivoli and 24th August CHART at Charlottenborg

See also: London Art Week Set for a Classic Event

Pages: 12

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